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HBP4年 陸 偉哲(Weizhe Lu)さんが、日本生化学会関東支部例会において最優秀表彰を受賞しました

HBP4年 陸 偉哲(Weizhe Lu)さんが、日本生化学会関東支部例会において最優秀表彰を受賞しました。陸さんは、深水先生研究室に所属し日々研鑽に励んでいます。陸さん、おめでとうございます!!


Ribosome Profiling for the Analysis of Translation in Cardiac PRMT1-Deficient Mice


It was a good opportunity to take part in the conference and did both oral and poster presentation. The aim of my presentation was to introduce my research project and one new technique Ribosome Profiling which enable to monitor the global mRNA translation.People showed great interesting to the Ribosome Profiling and we had a heat discussion during the poster session. I also got many suggestions that will help to make progress in my research.

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