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6月21(土)と22日(日)の2日間、熊本大学薬学部宮本記念館にて「The 2nd Student Meeting of Leading Graduate schools」(第2回全国博士課程教育リィーディングプログラム学生会議)が開催されました。

本会議は、「博士のEmployabilityと博士教育と社会との接続」をメインテーマとし、サブテーマとして「イノベーションfrom 九州」を掲げ、行われました。

本会議に先立ちDevang Thakor氏(米国特許商標局特許審査官)「日本の博士人材と海外の博士人材の違いは何か」、喜久里 要氏(大阪大学総務企画部経営企画課長)「日本の博士課程教育において、どのような改革をどのような目的で行うべきか」、藤沢 久美氏(シンクタンク・ソフィアバンク代表)「博士人材はどう社会に貢献していくべき」の講演が行われました。引き続き萩原新一氏(ゼンカイミート株式会社代表取締役)、樋渡啓祐氏(佐賀県武雄市長)のお二方から、地方からイノベーションを起こすことの重要性や方法、熱意が語られました。


2年 加藤俊貴

2年 本多 隆利

1年 永島 聖

The 2nd student meeting of Leading Graduate schools in Kumamoto was a really inspiring and whole new experience for me. It was not only a traditional conference but a been a place for gathering and sharing whole lot of new and different ideas and people. The topic PhD employability was discussed diversely and it made us to look at this area in a really naval way. It was a table for meeting company people face to face and that was a great opportunity to get the direct impression of them about PhD holders and the requirement they are expecting from us. Moreover it was a great opportunity for me to get to know not only students from all over the Japan and Japanese company people but also to explore the beautiful Kumamoto city, Kyushu, Japan.
1年 Kasakara Mudiyanselage Gedara Medhavi Kaushalya Kumarihamy Kulathunga

The student meeting of leading graduate program at Kumamoto was unexpectedly exciting and inspiring. Students from different countries, different culture, and different majors gathered together for the same problem: how to enhance the doctor employability in Japan. Various applicable proposals come out throughout the group discussion, such as to strengthen the competitiveness of current doctor holders; to improve the connections among government, company and graduate school; and to hold draft meeting for the doctor holders. The two-day meeting not only made us have a step back to gain an overall understanding of the real situation, but also think in a more realistic way of the social need and the approach we can do in order to solve the problem.
1年 Xu Haojun

This is my first meeting in Japan. This widen my eye on how a real meeting is organized in Japan, how people worked. This provide me a chance to work with people on different back ground with diverse way of thinking and working. This is really a good chance for me to have a look back on what I think about collaboration with people and how to exploit ideas which different from mine. We also had discussion on problems that PhD holders are facing and how to improve the situation. Throughout the discussion, I have a broader and deeper look on the situation and see the creative of people during the meeting."
1年 Phuong Dung Thi Tran

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