Educational Policy and Curriculum



First and Second Year

The HBP consists of five subject groups. The syllabus and evaluation criteria are made open to the public. We are systematically standardizing the evaluation criteria.

(1)Basic Subjects

Basic Subjects consist of the Initiation Seminar and Nurturing International Leaders courses. The seminar courses comprise Initiation Seminar, World-science Leaders' Seminar, Business Leaders' Seminar, and Serendipity in Human Biology. Taking these courses, students' will to realize their future careers at the international level is strengthened and they draw up their plan of study at graduate school with a high level of motivation.

The Nurturing International Leaders course comprises Scientific Ethics, International Discussion on Human Biology I & II, Research Presentation and Discussion, and Research Planning and Development in Human Biology.

Students are prepared for their work abroad through courses taught by native speakers of English and through teleseminar discussion.

In their second year, students choose from the International Research Rotation, Internship in Overseas Companies, Appropriate Technology, and Entrepreneurship courses and visit overseas laboratories, companies, and local communities. Through this overseas training, they develop the ability to adapt to new environments and to hone in on complex problems and identify the questions that need to be answered.

(2) Basic Specialized Subjects

Basic Specialized Subjects comprise Medical Subjects, Molecular Subjects, and Mathematics and Computational Science. For the Medical subjects, students are expected to understand the biology of human equivalent to that of medical doctors.
Courses include Human Anatomy and Embryology, Human Pathology and Oncology, Human Infection and Immunology, Human Endocrinology and Metabolism, and Environmental Medicine.

In Molecular subjects, students acquire specialized knowledge and technical skills to understand the nature of chemical substances. Courses include Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Molecular Cell Biology, Basic Toxicology, and Frontier Science in Drug Discovery.

In Mathematics and Computational Science, students learn applied computational biology. Courses include Basic Computational Biology, Application of Information Technology in Science, Computational Algorithms, High Performance Computing Technology, Computational Structural Biology and Drug Discovery, and Genomics Database Access and Application.
Through these courses, students learn computational analysis of various and complex biological systems, and thus study human biology that, because of strict limits on experiments on humans, would otherwise be impossible. invocation type composition organon in the study for the Human Being whom an experiment study is confined to.

(3)Basic Specialized Subjects – Other Subjects

In Basic Specialized Subjects – Other Subjects, students systematically study the latest findings in human biology and biological research methods. Courses include Gene Engineering and Genetically Modified Mice, Epigenome Physiology, Signal Transduction and Drug Design, and Stem Cell Therapy.

(4)Human Biology Specialized Subjects

In Human Biology Specialized Subjects, students learn to develop their own individual expertise. Courses include Basic Experiments in Human Biology, Special Lectures in Human Biology I & II, Special Seminars in Human Biology I & II, Laboratory Training in Human Biology I, Special Research in Human Biology II, and Special Practice in Human Biology I, II & III.

Through these courses, students can deepen their expertise and nurture their research abilities in the fields they choose and learn how to extrapolate the outcomes of animal tests to human beings by means of computational science.

At this stage, they advance their study while doing many lab rotations and developing multiple perspectives and a diverse human network. They also study chemistry including chemical biology and pharmacy and deepen the expertise they need to enable integration of drug discovery with computational sciences.

Upon completion of the second-year courses, students take the Qualifying Examination 1 (QE1).

  1. (1)A clear commitment to contribute to the world.
  2. (2)The ability to solve problems by negotiating with people from all over the world and with knowledge of medical degree-level human biology and computational sciences
  3. (3)A basic understanding of human biology research
  4. (4)Confirmation of students' ability to conduct research independently and assessment of their overseas activities

The principal academic advisers determine the successful candidates.

Third through Fifth Year

Students strengthen their knowledge and character from the 3rd to 5th year to train themselves toward their global-based careers. They select courses such as, Advanced International Research Rotation, Advanced Internship in Overseas Companies,Advanced Entrepreneurship Practice, Advanced Appropriate Technology, and Practical Training of Career Management, or a combination of these courses.
Students will have co-advisors from overseas universities, industry, and independent research institutions (at least one co-advisor from each). Once-monthly they will report on their research via email or web conference with one of those co-advisors.
To allow students to conduct research on their own initiative, they will receive research funds equal to the Research Fellowship for Young Scientists.

English ability and gain English proficiency equivalent to a TOEFL iBT score of 90 or a TOEIC score of 860.

Criteria for Degree Conferral

Doctoral degrees will be conferred to students who accomplish the program aims outlined in the school regulations of the Graduate Schools of the University of Tsukuba with the following aptitudes:

  1. (1)A clear determination and a sincere attitude to contribute to the world
  2. (2)Language proficiency demonstrated by international English-language proficiency tests.
  3. (3)Communicative ability to negotiate with ease in the international community
  4. (4)Specialist knowledge of human biology equivalent to that acquired by medical doctors in Japan
  5. (5)Ability to independently solve social issues using life sciences, computational science, and materials science

Students will take the QE1 and QE2 and the Final Examination to demonstrate that they have acquired the abilities listed above.

Qualifying Examination 1 (QE1)

At the end of the second year, students will be assessed to determine whether they have acquired the following: a clear determination to contribute to the world; the ability to negotiate with people from all over the world and to understand research problems with medical degree-level knowledge of human biology and fundamental knowledge of computational science; understanding of the fundamental techniques of human biology research and of the current situation of human biology research; the ability to conduct research and produce achievements in overseas activities.

Qualifying Examination 2 (QE2)

The QE2 evaluates students based on their (i) Accomplishment power, (ii) Breakthrough power, and (iii) Cognoscente power to solve global-scale issues that they acquired through their Global Overseas Training.

  1. A-1 Improvement of English proficiency (equivalent to a TOEFL iBT score of 90, a TOEIC score of 860 or higher, or other language proficiency test).
    Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) level 1 (applicable only to international students who wish to find employment in Japan).
  2. A-2 Leadership capability (ability to take initiative to solve problems in a group; debate skills; and leadership)
  3. B-1 Practical project planning ability results achieved in the Appropriate Technology and International Research Rotation
  4. B-2 Achievements in Overseas Internship and Company Business Plan Competition
  5. B-3 Project management ability (from patent acquisition to organization and enterprise)

A: Required B: Elective: select 1 or more items from 1, 2, and 3

The final examination

Students may submit one of the three formats for their final examination.

(i) The original proposal has been evaluated positively by a commercial business,(ii)a Business plan describing patent acquisition and financial plan, or (iii)a Dissertation defense of the original research project. The final examination committee should include at least one faculty member from overseas or industry. The screening committee will consist of at least one faculty member from overseas or industry.

  • ・A topic that is suitable for the world-class leader who can "steer the global voyage" into the next era.
  • ・Originality and Planning - describing the background, significance, originality, feasibility, and expected outcomes of the project.
  • ・Accomplishments - quality and quantity of research achievements.
  • ・Proposal Execution - Planning skills, the credibility of the results obtained from their studies, and understanding the significance of their findings.
  • ・Communication strengths. To be able to present a persuasive proposal or dissertations through logical interpretation from the results.

Based on the comprehensive evaluation described above, criteria for obtaining the doctoral degree are as follows: (1) Ability to identify an excellent and original theme in human biology and to achieve appropriate results for the Ph.D. degree, and to see the work through to completion. (2) Ability to understand the social needs in the relevant areas and to establish objectives to make necessary implementations and to proceed with a research project in a self-directed manner. (3) Ability to summarize research results. (4) Ability to publish written plans, proposals, and academic reports that are highly evaluated in both the industrial and the academic worlds.


Curriculum Policy

The curriculum of this program is designed to cultivate in our scholars a spirit of integrity and enthusiasm, keen eyes, and serendipity, as well as professional knowledge and technologies. Our global voyage style-study is an advanced stage of young samurai mushashugyo (errantry) study, which we have been carrying on for more than seven years, and will successfully build up robust professional captaincy with communication skills and leadership to accomplish the task for sustainable development.

Examples of Study Subjects and Expected Future Careers

Course Outline

Instructional Type

  • 1 Lectures
  • 2 Class excercises
  • 3 Practical training, experiments, and practical exercises
  • 4 Lectures and class exercises
  • 5 Lectures and practical training, experiments, and practical exercises

Basic Subjects / Initiation Subjects

Course Number Course Name Instructional Type Credits standard registration year Term Meeting Days,Period etc. Classroom Instructor Course Overview Remarks
0BTX001 Initiation Seminar 1 1.0 1 SprA Intensive Takahashi Satoru,Kawaguchi Atsushi Initiation Seminar aims to lead the students to learn the purpose of human re- source development and program curricula of the Ph.D. Program in Human Bi- ology. Listening to practical lectures by academic researchers, government ad- ministrators, and entrepreneurs or researchers who successfully work at business companies, the students will understand the diverse career paths possible after completion of the program. In this seminar, the students will have discussions with their classmates on their future career paths and study proposals, and write a report on their learning objectives and future directions of their study. Lecture is conducted in English.
Major required course. face-to-face
※ This course is basically given with "face to face" style. However, the recorded online lecture is provided to students who cannot take the face-to-face class.
0BTX002 Initiation Seminar 1 1.0 1 FallA Intensive Takahashi Satoru,
Kawaguchi Atsushi
Initiation Seminar aims to lead the students to learn the purpose of human re- source development and program curricula of the Ph.D. Program in Human Bi- ology. Listening to practical lectures by academic researchers, government ad- ministrators, and entrepreneurs or researchers who successfully work at business companies, the students will understand the diverse career paths possible after completion of the program. In this seminar, the students will have discussions with their classmates on their future career paths and study proposals, and write a report on their learning objectives and future directions of their study. Lecture is conducted in English.
Major required course. face-to-face
※ This course is basically given with "face to face" style. However, the recorded online lecture is provided to students who cannot take the face-to-face class.
0BTX003 World-science Leaders' Seminar 1 1.0 1 Annual by appointment Takahashi Satoru Students attending this seminar will learn basic knowledge and recent research trends related to the specialized fields of world-leading researchers. The students should also be able to develop their professional and ’Cognoscente’ skills for research as well as acquire skills of research presentation and discussion by discussing with their mentoring instructors the above topics including related matters. In addition, they are expected to gain a better understanding of research procedures and develop abilities to conduct research by writing a report. Major required course. face-to-face(partially online)
※ Class style (Face to face, Online Asynchronous or Online Synchronous) of each lecture depends on instructor. Please contact the Support Office for details.
0BTX005 Business Leaders' Seminar 1 1.0 1 Annual by appointment Takahashi Satoru In this class, world's top business leaders invited to share their experiences in career development and business success and failure in an omnibus format. Students have an opportunity to think about their career paths, gain knowledge of international business, and understand the foundations, including their international cultural background. Students listen to omnibus-style talks and submit a report with the summary and feedback to yourself. Here you will learn the complexity, fun, risks and global business strategies of international business. Major required course. face-to-face(partially online)
※ Class style (Face to face, Online Asynchronous or Online Synchronous) of each lecture depends on instructor. Please contact the Support Office for details.
0BTX007 Serendipity in Human Biology 1 1.0 1 SprAB Mon5 Kimura Keiji,
Chiba Tomoki
Serendipity in Human Biology engages the students in the researches and processes which resulted in ”unexpected discoveries” and ”the experiments and ideas that result in breakthrough ” in each special field of Human Biology. The students discuss the ideas and significance of those breakthroughs in the class, then further read original papers of related fields, discuss with their supervisor and others, and write a report for deeper understanding. By performing training which engages in detail of various fields of Human Biology, students accumulate knowledge, polish practical skills, and realize that surprising and unpredictable developments in research arise from a scientific and logical thinking. Lecture is conducted in English.

Basic Subjects / Basic Subjects

Course Number Course Name Instructional Type Credits standard registration year Term Meeting Days,Period etc. Classroom Instructor Course Overview Remarks
0BTNA11 Research Presentation and Discussion 2 1.0 2, 3 SprABC Wed2 4F305 Mizuno Seiya,Mayers Thomas David In this course, you will learn how to improve your scientific presentation, discussion and critical thinking skills in English. Each week, invited speakers will give interesting presentations about their research which will be followed by a discussion time. In the final weeks, students will present and discuss about their own research. Identical to 02EW033.
0BTX021 Scientific Ethics 1 1.0 1, 2 SprAB Wed4 4F204 Mathis Bryan James,
Irie Kenji
Students will learn about generally accepted practices in the sciences and legal
frameworks that define ethical behavior. At course’s end, students will be
able to identify a large number of ethical issues and how to properly discuss
and resolve them.
Online classes will be held. Your instructor will contact you with these details at a later date.
Identical to 0ATGC46.
Lecture is conducted in English.
0BTX027 Research Planning and Development in Human Biology 4 2.0 1, 2 Annual by request Ho Kiong Many graduate students have trouble formulating a research plan, which includes defining the hypothesis, constructing the aims of the project, and designing an experimental approach to address the questions they set forth in the aims. The objective of this course is to inspire and assist students to think critically and develop deep understanding in scientific thinking to come up with an original research proposal. In order to develop world-level communication/discussion skills and leadership in scientific community, the course will be conducted in English. Lecture is conducted in English.
face-to-face(partially online). Online(Synchronous)
0BTX029 International Discussion on Human Biology I 4 2.0 1 SprAB Fri1,2 Irie Kenji,
Mizuno Tomoaki,
Suda Yasuyuki
Focusing on molecular biology of the cell, English Discussion & Presentation I provides the opportunities for the students to have interactive online distance learning with the National Taiwan University and the Kyoto University, and to be engaged in thesis presentation and discussion conducted in English. In this course, the students should be able to understand basic knowledge of life sciences and acquire scientific communication skills and scientific presentation skills in English. Lecture is conducted in English.
Online Synchronous: Practice and performance of Presentation of papers
0BTX031 International Discussion on Human Biology II 4 2.0 1 FallAB Wed1,2 Irie Kenji,
Mizuno Tomoaki,
Suda Yasuyuki,
Takahashi Satoru,
Kawaguchi Atsushi,
Funakoshi Yuji,
Kawanishi Kunio
Focusing on cancer biology, English Discussion & Presentation II provides the opportunities for the students to have interactive online distance learning with the National Taiwan University and the Kyoto University, and to be engaged in thesis presentation and discussion conducted in English. In this course, the students should be able to understand basic knowledge of life sciences and acquire scientific communication skills and scientific presentation skills in English. Lecture is conducted in English.

Basic Subjects / International Subjects

Course Number Course Name Instructional Type Credits standard registration year Term Meeting Days,Period etc. Classroom Instructor Course Overview Remarks
0BTX041 International Research Rotation 3 5.0 2 FallABC by request Yanagisawa Hiromi This course offers the students the opportunity to select one or two laboratories that they are interested in from those hosted by the faculty members of the Ph.D. Program in Human Biology. The students will then engage in their own research in the laboratories for 4 weeks and discuss with their instructors its objectives, procedures and results. In this course, students should be able to acquire a wide range of research techniques and develop their skills for analysis of research results and get an international mindset.
Based on activity reports from students and evaluations of the oversea faculty members, the Academic Affairs Committee comprehensively describes the necessity/significance of the internship, including the differences from the research contents of the research supervisor's laboratory, the activities and the results, and evaluate the performance.
Lecture is conducted in English.
選択必修科目/Compulsory Elective Subject
0BTX042 International Research Rotation 3 5.0 2 SprABC by request Yanagisawa Hiromi This course offers the students the opportunity to select one or two laboratories that they are interested in from those hosted by the faculty members of the Ph.D. Program in Human Biology. The students will then engage in their own research in the laboratories for 4 weeks and discuss with their instructors its objectives, procedures and results. In this course, students should be able to acquire a wide range of research techniques and develop their skills for analysis of research results and get an international mindset.
Based on activity reports from students and evaluations of the oversea faculty members, the Academic Affairs Committee comprehensively describes the necessity/significance of the internship, including the differences from the research contents of the research supervisor's laboratory, the activities and the results, and evaluate the performance.
Lecture is conducted in English.
選択必修科目/Compulsory Elective Subject
0BTX043 Internship in Overseas Companies 3 5.0 2 FallABC by request Takahashi Satoru In this course, students start by searching for an overseas company that is capable of internship, do this, and acquire knowledge of business opportunities. Think about how the scientific knowledge gained from the class can be incorporated into actual work. Students will also gain a deeper understanding of the role of basic and applied research in today's business environment and learn how to contribute to business success and its return to society. You will also learn how to find and obtain information about business opportunities, network with experts and identify potential collaborators. Lecture is conducted in English.
face-to-face(partially online)
Compulsory Elective Subject
※ Class style (Face to face, Online Asynchronous or Online Synchronous) depends on a company for internship.
0BTX044 Internship in Overseas Companies 3 5.0 2 SprABC by request Takahashi Satoru In this course, students start by searching for an overseas company that is capable of internship, do this, and acquire knowledge of business opportunities. Think about how the scientific knowledge gained from the class can be incorporated into actual work. Students will also gain a deeper understanding of the role of basic and applied research in today's business environment and learn how to contribute to business success and its return to society. You will also learn how to find and obtain information about business opportunities, network with experts and identify potential collaborators. Lecture is conducted in English.
face-to-face(partially online)
Compulsory Elective Subject
※ Class style (Face to face, Online Asynchronous or Online Synchronous) depends on a company for internship.
0BTX045 Appropriate Technology 3 5.0 2 SprBC, FallA
by request Irie Kenji In terms of local needs, cultures, environments, and people, Appropriate Technology provides opportunities for the students to develop the optimum technology needed for targeted communities and to generate problem-solving skills, improvisational capabilities, and entrepreneurial abilities for future social needs.
1. Through lecture and discussion series, Introduction for appropriate technology provides the opportunities for the students to gain basic knowledge required for studying a wide range of appropriate technology subjects, such as appropriate technology training, current social circumstances in developing countries, field activities, and so forth.
2. In terms of local needs, cultures, environments, and people, Appropriate Technology provides opportunities for the students to develop the optimum technology needed for targeted communities.
1 Learn what is Appropriate Technology
2 Field Trip to Local Area in Japan or Developing country (During Summer Vacation)
3 Product development (about 3 months) and Final Presentation (around December)
4 Submission of reports
Lecture is conducted in English.
Compulsory Elective Subject
※For details of its class style, please contact the instructor directly.
※Course Resitration : By May 31st (Reason : Students will start self-learning with e-learning contents etc. in June.
0BTX047 Entrepreneurship Training 2 5.0 2 FallAB Tue/Thu5,6 4E608 Ohneda Osamu This class is a problem finding and solving type class and fosters an entrepreneurial mind by simulating a total of six projects through classes. Entrepreneurship Training aims to lead the students to nurture the mindset and generic skills required for application of their technical seeds and ideas to society. In Entrepreneurship Training, students will cultivate ideas and skills from the standpoints of social needs,research management, entrepreneurial activities, and business continuity. Success cases and failure cases will be used as teaching materials. Additionally, the leading experts in this field will be invited. Finally students will expand their perspectives, develop competence, and create valuable global networks for their future. Lecture is conducted in English.
Compulsory Elective Subject
※This course is planned to be given fac-to-face. For details, please contact the instructor directly.

Basic Subjects / Advanced International Subjects

Course Number Course Name Instructional Type Credits standard registration year Term Meeting Days,Period etc. Classroom Instructor Course Overview Remarks
0BTX061 Advanced International Research Rotation 3 10.0 3 - 5 Annual by request Tsuruta Fuminori In this course, students will be asked to select one or two overseas laboratories of interest, which are managed by the faculty members of the Ph.D. Program in Human Biology abroad. Students will conduct research there for 8 weeks to proceed with a doctoral dissertation, and discuss the objectives, procedures, results, and future policy of their research with a designated instructor. When completed, students will have been expected to attain diversified research abilities and improved the evaluation of their research outcome. Student's achievements will be assessed in terms of necessity, significance, activities, and accomplishment based on the evaluation of their instructors in the host country while considering the differences of the lab in the home country. Lecture is conducted in English.
0BTX063 Advanced Internship in Overseas Companies 3 10.0 3 - 5 Annual by request Takahashi Satoru In this course, students will start by searching for an overseas company that is capable of internship, and then acquire the knowledge and strategy that will lead to business opportunities through practice. Furthermore, students will negotiate the internship plan with overseas companies, set and implement. It is expected that the scientific knowledge obtained from the classes will be integrated into actual work experience. Then, deepen the understanding through how to translate the results of basic and applied research into social implementation. Lecture is conducted in English.
face-to-face(partially online)
※ Class style (Face to face, Online Asynchronous or Online Synchronous) depends on a company for internship.
0BTX065 Advanced Appropriate Technology 3 10.0 3 - 5 Annual by appointment Irie Kenji In terms of local needs, cultures, environments, and people, Appropriate Technology provides opportunities for the students to develop the optimum technology needed for targeted communities and to generate problem-solving skills, improvisational capabilities, and entrepreneurial abilities for future social needs.
1. Through lecture and discussion series, Introduction for appropriate technology provides the opportunities for the students to gain basic knowledge required for studying a wide range of appropriate technology subjects, such as appropriate technology training, current social circumstances in developing countries, field activities, and so forth.
2. In terms of local needs, cultures, environments, and people, Appropriate Technology provides opportunities for the students to develop the optimum technology needed for targeted communities.
Using practical skills obtained from the appropriate technology class (02RA113 / 0BTX04502), students will conduct trials to start new businesses in target communities such as developing countries and depopulated areas.
Lecture is conducted in English.
※For details of its class style, please contact the instructor directly.
※Students taking this subject will be ask to work as a TA in the subject "0BTX045 Appropriate technology".
0BTX067 Advanced Entrepreneurship Practice 3 10.0 3 - 5 Annual by request Ohneda Osamu Advanced Entrepreneurship Practice is designed for the students who have completed Entrepreneurship Training (0BTX047) to learn the basic mindset and skills required for application of their technical seeds and ideas to society. With the support of advisors, the students will develop proposals and practical scenarios (scripts) to start and sustain new business with regards to existing research subjects. Projects that attract entrepreneurial funding will be launched as bio startup. Lecture is conducted in English.
face-to-face(partially online)
※ Please ask the instructor directly about class style (Face to face, Online Asynchronous or Online Synchronous) of this course.
0BTX069 Practical Training of Career Management 3 10.0 3 - 5 Annual by request Takahashi Satoru In this course, students will acquire business communication skills and social manners necessary to be able to be a leader in the international community through lectures, workshops and employment experience of private companies, independent synthetic corporations, and government agencies. At the same time, they will learn basic knowledge and strategies of team and project managements through lectures and workshops. This prepares students for an internship for career development after graduation. In addition, they acquire practical knowledge necessary for a successful social person in the international community. Lecture is conducted in English.
face-to-face(partially online)
※ Class style (Face to face, Online Asynchronous or Online Synchronous) depends on a company where you will have a practical training.

Basic Specialized Subjects / Medical Subjects

Course Number Course Name Instructional Type Credits standard registration year Term Meeting Days,Period etc. Classroom Instructor Course Overview Remarks
0BTX101 Human Anatomy and Embryology 1 2.0 1 FallAB Mon3,4 Takahashi Satoru Human Anatomy and Embryology engages the students in the developmental program of human beings. The students will learn how human beings are organ- isms and how the bodies of human beings consist of cells, tissues, vital organs, and internal organs. Lecture is conducted in English.
Major required course. face-to-face
※ This course is basically given with "face to face" style.
0BTX102 Human Pathology and Oncology 1 2.0 1 FallAB Fri4,5 Kato Mitsuyasu,
Sakata-Yanagimoto Mamiko,
Minaguchi Takeo,
Watanabe Yukihide,
Kawanishi Kunio,
Okita Yukari
Human Pathology and Oncology provides opportunities to learn about the basic disease entities of circulatory disturbance (i.e., edema, thrombosis, and infarction), inflammation, and neoplasia, in terms of the causes, pathogenesis, and morphological changes of human diseases. Students establish the general knowledge to understand what is going on in our body in a disease condition and learn the know-how to learn specific knowledges of systemic diseases. In the second half, students study the practical knowledge of cancer therapy by the lectures of the clinical professors who are the specialists of cancer therapy of each organs and tissues. 0AVC204と同一。
Identical to 0AVC204.
Lecture is conducted in English.
Major required course. face-to-face. Online(Asynchronous)
0BTX103 Human Infection and Immunology 1 2.0 1 SprAB Mon3,4 4F204 Shibuya Kazuko,
Kawaguchi Atsushi,
Morikawa Kazuya,
Ho Kiong,
Matsumoto Isao,
Tsuboi Hiroto,
Oda Chigusa,
Ogura Yukino,
To understand infection biology and immunology is the basis to develop a strategy for control of infectious diseases all over the world. In this course, students study the molecular mechanism of replication and pathogenicity of infectious microbes such as viruses and bacteria, and the structure and function of microbes-encoded factors and host cell-derived factors involved in the replication and pathogenicity. In addition, students also study the immune system, including adaptive and innate immunities, which is crucial for human health and survival. Identical to 0ATGE61.
Lecture is conducted in English.
face-to-face(partially online)
0BTX104 Human Endocrinology and Metabolism 1 2.0 1 SprAB Wed3,4 Shimano Hitoshi,
Sekiya Motohiro,
Suzuki Hiroaki,
Matsuzaka Takashi,
Miyamoto Takafumi,
Shimada Masako,
Iwasaki Hitoshi,
Osaki Yoshinori,
Takeuchi Yoshinori
This course aims to develop the students’ abilities to understand the theory of the pathophysiology of human endocrine and metabolic disease through learning 1) development, anatomy and function of endocrine tissue, 2) glucose and lipid metabolism, and 3) physiological functions of hormones and pathological conditions caused by their failure. Lecture is conducted in English.
Major required course. Online(Asynchronous)
[Class schedule]
April 17, April 24, May 15, May 15, May 22, May 29, June 5, June 12, June 19、June 26 (report)
0BTX105 Environmental Medicine 1 1.0 1 SprAB Wed5 Irie Kenji,
Kumagai Yoshito
We are exposed to various substances through the living environment, and the relationship between global environmental pollution and health is attracting attention. In order to tackle environmental problems from a medical standpoint, it is important to integrate field science based on epidemiological research and experimental science using experimental animals and cultured cells. In this lecture, students will learn the basic concepts of field science and experimental science based on arsenic, which is known for global pollution through groundwater. Lecture is conducted in English.

Basic Specialized Subjects / Molecular Subjects

Course Number Course Name Instructional Type Credits standard registration year Term Meeting Days,Period etc. Classroom Instructor Course Overview Remarks
0ATGC41 Prominent Discoveries in Neuroscience 1 1.0 1, 2 SprA Tue/Thu7 Yanagisawa Masashi,
Sakurai Takeshi,
Abe Takashi,
Sakaguchi Masanori,
Lazarus Michael,
Sakurai Katsuyasu,
Toda Hirofumi,
Hirano Arisa,
Honjoh Sakiko,
Vogt Kaspar
The class will be held in an omnibus style, with a total of 11 sessions. The class will discuss a broad topic of molecules, cells, neural circuits, and behavior in a variety of animals, such as flies, mice, and humans.
The goal of this omnibus course is to learn advanced principles in neuroscience, by reading "landmark" papers of historical significance in the broad area of neurobiology chosen by each instructor.
Lecture is conducted in English.
0BTX111 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 1 1.0 1 SprAB Mon1 4F204 Fukuda Aya,
Irie Kenji,
Hisatake Koji,
Mizuno Tomoaki,
Keino-Masu Kazuko,
Okada Takuya
This course aims to equip students with understanding the molecular basis in various human functions.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to discuss molecular mechanisms involved in various human body functions.
This course is conducted online. Details will be informed later.
1. DNA, RNA, Nucleic acid metabolism, Chromosomes and Genomes 2. DNA Replication, Repair, and Recombination 3. Transcription and Control of Gene Expression 4. Translational Mechanisms and Regulations 5. Metabolism I (Glucose metabolism) 6. Metabolism I (TCA cycle, electron transport system) 7. Metabolism III (Lipid metabolism) 8. The Cell Cycle 9. Intracellular signal transduction 10. Cell proliferation and cancer
Identical to 0ATGA28.
Lecture is conducted in English.
0BTX112 Molecular Cell Biology 1 1.0 1 FallAB Tue3 Chiba Tomoki,
Tsuruta Fuminori
Cell, a fundamental unit of life, shows a variety of behaviors in response to the environment, such as proliferation, differentiation, cell death, and so on. The cells also have multiple defense mechanisms to maintain their homeostasis from harmful stresses. In this lecture, we will learn and discuss about the molecular mechanisms that support the above mentioned fundamental cellular behaviors. The students will also read the latest original papers in cell biology field and understand the molecular mechanisms through active discussion in the class. Lecture is conducted in English.
0BTX113 Basic Toxicology 1 1.0 1 FallAB Wed4 4E608 Irie Kenji,
Kumagai Yoshito
Absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion (ADME) of xenobiotics affect its pharmacological effects and toxicity in the body. In particular, various enzymes (groups) involving in metabolism are associated with for not only detoxification but also metabolic activation of the xenobiotics. In this lecture, students will learn about detoxification and toxicity of acetaminophen as a model of drug. Identical to 0AVC203.
Lecture is conducted in English.
0BTX114 Frontier Science in Drug Discovery 1 1.0 1 FallAB Wed5 4F204 Takahashi Satoru In this course, the students will be able to grasp the basic concepts of the logical process of drug discovery by using computational simulation technology. They will learn chemosynthesis, by using in silico screening of lead compounds, molecular design, and combinatorial chemistry methods, and current pharmacokinetics studies to deepen their knowledge of linkages between medical and pharmaceutical sciences. Read the handouts in advance.
Class will be conducted in English.
Lecture is conducted in English.
face-to-face. face-to-face(partially online)
0BTX115 Neurobiology 2 1.0 1 FallAB Mon7 Vogt Kaspar After this lecture students should have a good basic understanding of the function of neurons and neural networks. First, I explain the fundamentals of electrical signals in neurons and of synaptic communication between them. The students learn the mechanisms underlying the resting membrane potential and of action potentials and their propagation. They are then introduced to ligand-gated ion channels and to the principles of neurotransmitter release and its regulation by calcium influx. Using this information I show how the spinal reflex can be explained from first principles. Finally, the students are taught about current concepts in the areas of learning and memory and sensory perception and how these processes can be understood in terms of fundamental neuronal functions. This course is given in English.
Lecture is conducted in English.

Basic Specialized Subjects / Mathematics and Computational Science

Course Number Course Name Instructional Type Credits standard registration year Term Meeting Days,Period etc. Classroom Instructor Course Overview Remarks
0AL5419 Basic Computational Biology 1 2.0 1, 2 FallAB Thu1,2 3B301 Sato Mitsuhisa,
Sakurai Tetsuya,
Inagaki Yuji,
Shoji Mitsuo,
Morikuni Keiichi
計算生物学についての基礎的な概念と計算手法について学ぶ。本講義では、計算機を用いて生物学で現れる各種の問題を解くための基礎的な手法について理解する。分子系統解析、分子動力学法、現象のモデル化とアルゴリズム、成分分析法、高性能計算について説明する。 Lecture is conducted in English.
0BTX121 Application of Information Technology in Science 5 2.0 1 Sum Vac
Intensive Nagata Takeshi In this course, students will learn 1) application of information technology from overviewing computational science including statistical analysis, principal component analysis, clustering, FFT, image analysis and machine learning and 2) practical programming and how to build a practical analysis system based on specific examples by using Matlab. The goal of this course is to give students the basics of advanced numerical analysis and programming skills that can be applied directly to their own research. Language is Japanese with a TA support and materials are provided in English.
0BTX122 Computational Algorithms 4 2.0 2 With the dramatic improvement of computer performance in recent years, computational science has become indispensable as a third science after theory and experiments in many scientific and engineering fields. This course aims to learn basic concepts and techniques for using computers in these fields. Especially, this course introduces modeling of physical phenomena and their applications, fundamentals of matrix computations, iterative methods for linear equations, and methods for eigenvalue problems. Open in odd number academic years.
Lecture is conducted in English.
0BTX123 High Performance Computing Technology 1 2.0 1, 2 FallAB Wed2,3 3Z0110 Boku Taisuke,
Takahashi Daisuke,
Nukada Akira
This lecture introduces the high-performance computing technologies that support today's advanced scientific and technological computing (computational science and engineering), including parallel processing systems, processor architectures, networks, numerical algorithms, and optimization methods, spanning all levels from hardware to applications. It includes several latest examples of computer systems and application software. This lecture is for both students who develop applications on HPC systems and students who design the HPC systems, aiming successful co-design between them in the future. Identical to 0AL5421.
Lecture is conducted in English.
0BTX124 Computational Structural Biology and Drug Discovery 5 1.0 2 FallC Tue3-5 Shoji Mitsuo,
Hirokawa Takatsugu,
harada ryuhei
Recently, in the fields of biological function analysis and drug discovery, it is essential to understand the underlying mechanism of biomolecule at the atomic level by using various computational methods. In this lecture, students learns the basic knowledge of computational methods such as (1) molecular dynamics calculations, (2) first principles calculations, and (3) drug discovery simulations. They also perform hands-on practice about these methods. Lecture is conducted in English.
0BTX125 Genomics Database Access and Application 2 1.0 1 SprC Fri5,6 Muratani Masafumi This course is designed for first-time exposure to bioinformatics analysis. The main goal of this course is to become familiar with analysis methods for RNA- sequencing and ChIP-sequencing which are often used to perform thesis research. Using computer terminal which is connected to University’s central computer server, students perform problem set analysis with practice data with help from instructor and teaching assistants (TAs). This textbook session is followed by a project assignment in which students are expected to find datasets related to their own research interests. The results will be presented in the final presentation. Through this course, students are expected to acquire basic skills on public database usage, analysis using webtools, semi-automated file processing using shell scripting. General concepts of modular structure of informatics analysis and basic scripting should become basis for learning advanced programming. This course also covers ethics and social impact of genomics data privacy issues. If students use own computers, Linux part can be replaced by introduction to R and Python. Lecture is conducted in English.

Basic Specialized Subjects / Other Subjects

Course Number Course Name Instructional Type Credits standard registration year Term Meeting Days,Period etc. Classroom Instructor Course Overview Remarks
0BTX131 Gene Engineering and Genetically Modified Mice 2 1.0 2 SprABC Tue5 Takahashi Satoru,
Mizuno Seiya
Gene Engineering and Genetically Modified Mice provides the opportunity for the students to study fundamental techniques of gene engineering and principle of making transgenic mice which is application of gene engineering. In addition, the students will debate how to use this lecture for their researches. Lecture is conducted in English.
※ This course is basically given with "face to face" style. However, the recorded online lecture is provided to students who cannot take the face-to-face class.
0BTX132 Epigenome Physiology 2 1.0 2 SprC Mon5,6 Fukamizu Akiyoshi,
Kako Koichiro,
Daitoku Hiroaki,
Hino Shinjiro
This lecture outlines the biological, medical and social significance of two kinds of genetic information (genome and epigenome). Students select and thoroughly read the latest papers with review process results on DNA or histone epigenome regulation, make slides with PowerPoint, and give presentations. Students who listen the presentation ask questions and discuss with the presenter to understand epigenome functions more details.
Students learn the physiological significance of epigenome in a bidirectional way, and understand how submitted papers are revised, edited, and finally accepted.
Lecture is conducted in English.
face-to-face(partially online)
※ Class style (face to face or Online) of each lecture depends on instructor. For details, please contact each instructor in charge.
0BTX133 Signal Transduction and Drug Design 2 1.0 2 SprAB Thu2 Funakoshi Yuji,
Shimano Hitoshi,
Hashimoto Koichi,
Matsuzaka Takashi,
Kawaguchi Atsushi,
Sato Taka-aki
This course is designed to assist the students to learn about intracellular reactions controlling cellular function, i.e. signal transduction and diseases caused by failure in signal transduction. They should then be able to acquire the basic knowledge of drug discovery research through learning about developed drugs and strategies for development of new drugs. Professors give lectures on signal transduction of cancer, immune systems, diabetes and infectious diseases, and development of drugs. Lecture is conducted in English.
Online(partially face-to-face)
※ Class style (Online or face to face) of each lecture depends on instructor. For details, please contact each instructor in charge.
0BTX134 Stem Cell Therapy 2 1.0 2 SprAB Thu3 Ohneda Osamu,
Yamashita Toshiharu,
Vuong Cat Khanh
The objective of this class is to learn basic knowledge and the latest research progress on regenerative medicine and stem cell biology fields by reading original articles. In addition, this class aims to improve individual ability to extract the point at issue of the article and discuss with other participants. Lecture is conducted in English.
※ Class style (Online Asynchronous or Online Synchronous) of each lecture depends on instructor. For details, please contact each instructor in charge.

Specialized Subjects

Course Number Course Name Instructional Type Credits standard registration year Term Meeting Days,Period etc. Classroom Instructor Course Overview Remarks
0BTX201 Basic Experiments in Human Biology 3 4.0 1 SprABC by request Academic Advisors of Doctoral Program in Human Biology In four different laboratories, students will learn the outline of each research based on lectures of faculty members, and understand basic experimental methods and research concepts and principles. Further, the above understanding is deepened by performing basic experiments and simulations. Through this, they will understand the background and outline of each research content, acquire basic understanding of experimental methods and simulations through discussions with researchers, and acquire the ability to collect research-related papers and books. Lecture is conducted in English.
Major required course. face-to-face
0BTX202 Basic Experiments in Human Biology 3 4.0 1 FallABC by request Academic Advisors of Doctoral Program in Human Biology In four different laboratories, students will learn the outline of each research based on lectures of faculty members, and understand basic experimental methods and research concepts and principles. Further, the above understanding is deepened by performing basic experiments and simulations. Through this, they will understand the background and outline of each research content, acquire basic understanding of experimental methods and simulations through discussions with researchers, and acquire the ability to collect research-related papers and books. Lecture is conducted in English.
Major required course. face-to-face
0BTX203 Special Lectures in Human Biology I 1 1.0 1 FallABC by request Academic Advisors of Doctoral Program in Human Biology Students will participate in progress meetings of multiple laboratories of interest, discuss the latest research results of studies in the laboratories, and learn specialized knowledge and how to proceed with research. Lecture is conducted in English.
Major required course. face-to-face(partially online)
※ Class style (Online or face to face) of this course depends on instructor.For details, please contact him/her directly.
0BTX204 Special Lectures in Human Biology I 1 1.0 1 SprABC by request Academic Advisors of Doctoral Program in Human Biology Students will participate in progress meetings of multiple laboratories of interest, discuss the latest research results of studies in the laboratories, and learn specialized knowledge and how to proceed with research. Lecture is conducted in English.
Major required course. face-to-face(partially online)
※ Class style (Online or face to face) of this course depends on instructor.For details, please contact him/her directly.
0BTX205 Special Seminars in Human Biology I 2 1.0 1 FallABC by request Academic Advisors of Doctoral Program in Human Biology Students will participate in the journal club of several laboratories of interest, understand the purpose, methods, and results of the research, and discuss the significance, problems, and remaining issues of the research. Lecture is conducted in English.
Major required course. face-to-face(partially online)
※ Class style (Online or face to face) of this course depends on instructor.For details, please contact him/her directly.
0BTX206 Special Seminars in Human Biology I 2 1.0 1 SprABC by request Academic Advisors of Doctoral Program in Human Biology Students will participate in the journal club of several laboratories of interest, understand the purpose, methods, and results of the research, and discuss the significance, problems, and remaining issues of the research. Lecture is conducted in English.
Major required course. face-to-face(partially online)
※ Class style (Online or face to face) of this course depends on instructor.For details, please contact him/her directly.
0BTX207 Special Lectures in Human Biology II 1 1.0 2 SprABC by request Academic Advisors of Doctoral Program in Human Biology Students will participate in progress meetings of multiple laboratories of interest, understand the purpose, methods, and results of research with the theme of presenting the latest research results, and discuss the significance and remaining issues. Students will also learn how to conduct practical research. Lecture is conducted in English.
Major required course. face-to-face(partially online)
※ Class style (Online or face to face) of this course depends on instructor.For details, please contact him/her directly.
0BTX208 Special Lectures in Human Biology II 1 1.0 2 FallABC by request Academic Advisors of Doctoral Program in Human Biology Students will participate in progress meetings of multiple laboratories of interest, understand the purpose, methods, and results of research with the theme of presenting the latest research results, and discuss the significance and remaining issues. Students will also learn how to conduct practical research. Lecture is conducted in English.
Major required course. face-to-face(partially online)
※ Class style (Online or face to face) of this course depends on instructor.For details, please contact him/her directly.
0BTX209 Special Seminars in Human Biology II 2 1.0 2 SprABC by request Academic Advisors of Doctoral Program in Human Biology Students will participate in journal clubs of multiple laboratories of interest, present the latest original paper and discuss the significance, problems, and remaining issues of the research to cultivate of presentation ability. Lecture is conducted in English.
Major required course. face-to-face(partially online)
※ Class style (Online or face to face) of this course depends on instructor.For details, please contact him/her directly.
0BTX210 Special Seminars in Human Biology II 2 1.0 2 FallABC by request Academic Advisors of Doctoral Program in Human Biology Students will participate in journal clubs of multiple laboratories of interest, present the latest original paper and discuss the significance, problems, and remaining issues of the research to cultivate of presentation ability. Lecture is conducted in English.
Major required course. face-to-face(partially online)
※ Class style (Online or face to face) of this course depends on instructor.For details, please contact him/her directly.
0BTX211 Special Research in Human Biology II 3 1.0 2 SprABC by request Academic Advisors of Doctoral Program in Human Biology Students will learn the principles and methods of key research techniques in practice in specific laboratories of interest. Lecture is conducted in English.
Major required course. face-to-face
0BTX212 Special Research in Human Biology II 3 1.0 2 FallABC by request Academic Advisors of Doctoral Program in Human Biology Students will learn the principles and methods of key research techniques in practice in specific laboratories of interest. Lecture is conducted in English.
Major required course. face-to-face
0BTX213 Special Practice in Human Biology I 2 2.0 1 FallABC by request Academic Advisors of Doctoral Program in Human Biology In this course, students will learn methods to acquire basic knowledge required for selecting a topic for their dissertation through tutorials with their mentoring instructors. The students will also select the subject for their research through discussion, determine approaches for conducting the research, go through application procedures necessary for the research such as animal experiments and genetic recombination, and then plan their dissertation. Lecture is conducted in English.
Major required course. face-to-face
0BTX215 Special Practice in Human Biology II 3 10.0 2 Annual by request Academic Advisors of Doctoral Program in Human Biology Students will understand and learn through practice the purpose, methods, and significance of research projects being conducted in specific laboratories, which they wish to join. Lecture is conducted in English.
Major required course. face-to-face
0BTX217 Laboratory Training in Human Biology I 3 5.0 1 FallABC by request Academic Advisors of Doctoral Program in Human Biology Through tutorials with the supervisor and discussions, students will learn how to get the basic knowledge to select a dissertation topic, select a research target, determine methods for conducting the research, and perform application procedures necessary for research such as animal experiments and genetic modification. They will also accumulate basic knowledge and information on global issues, understand the status of research in the field, and select topics for dissertation. Through these, they will be able to explain the trends of the world, the significance of the selected research theme, the research methods required for conducting the research, the regulations and application procedures required for the research to solve global problems. Lecture is conducted in English.
Major required course. face-to-face
0BTX218 Laboratory Training in Human Biology I 3 5.0 1 SprABC by request Academic Advisors of Doctoral Program in Human Biology Through tutorials with the supervisor and discussions, students will learn how to get the basic knowledge to select a dissertation topic, select a research target, determine methods for conducting the research, and perform application procedures necessary for research such as animal experiments and genetic modification.
They will also accumulate basic knowledge and information on global issues, understand the status of research in the field, and select topics for dissertation. Through these, they will be able to explain the trends of the world, the significance of the selected research theme, the research methods required for conducting the research, the regulations and application procedures required for the research to solve global problems.
Lecture is conducted in English.
Major required course. face-to-face
0BTX219 Special Practice in Human Biology III 3 10.0 3 Annual by request Academic Advisors of Doctoral Program in Human Biology Based on the research topics for the dissertation, students set up the research plan and perform initial experiments under the supervision of professors. Students need to properly interpret their research results and literatures to progress their research topics, and acquire the skill for publication of a first paper in peer reviewed journals. Lecture is conducted in English.
Major required course. face-to-face