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Mr. Takato Honda receives “Young Investigator Award” at SAT Technology Showcase 2016

(February 2, 2016)

Mr. Takato Honda, HBP 3rd year student (International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine (WPI-IIIS) / JSPS Research Fellow) won the “Young Investigator Award” at SAT Technology Showcase 2016 (SAT : Tsukuba Science Academy). Mr. Takato Honda gave the presentation entitled "Systematic Behavioral Screening of Newly Identified Mouse Pedigrees with Sleep Abnormalities”. This award was given to the young scientist / student who made a distinguished research presentation among 100 presentations.

SAT Technology Showcase 2016 took place in Tsukuba Science City (EPOCHAL International Congress Center), where about 23, 000 researchers are engaged in research work. This year, the conference was held with the ceremony for coming “G7 Science & Technology Ministers' Meeting in Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan”. The objectives of this event is to foster intellectual exchanges among researchers, engineers, companies, and the government in the central science city in Japan, and provide an opportunity for them to open a new research avenue with fresh ideas and lead to the creation of venture business.

This conference was sponsored by Science Academy of Tsukuba ; co-sponsored by MEXT, JAXA, AIST, RIKEN, Astellas Pharma, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture and more.

Dr. Leo Esaki, the Nobel Prize winner in Physics (left), gave the award to Mr. Takato Honda (right)

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