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Academic Exchange Agreement with University of California, Irvine

Ph.D. Program in Human Biology (HBP) at University of Tsukuba (UT) is going to sign an academic exchange agreement with the Graduate Program in Mathematical, Computational and Systems Biology (MCSB) at University of California, Irvine (UCI) regarding graduate education. This agreement will enable the students studying both in HBP and MCSB to attend the lectures offered by each graduate program for free of charge. It will also be pioneer in achieving a framework of the Campus-in-Campus planning that UT proposes the faculty members for undertaking research and teaching activities by and between UT and UCI as needed.

Academic Exchanges between HBP and MCSB up to date

# World-science Leaders' Seminar was held by Prof. Arthur D. Lander, Director of Center for Complex Systems Biology, UCI (July 25, 2014) # A HBP student attended A National Short Course in: Systems Biology 2014 (January 6-25, 2014) # A HBP student attended Boot Camp by MCSB (aka orientation program for new students enrolled in MCSB; September 8-12, 2014)

Call for Participation for A National Short Course in: Systems Biology 2015


Pre-workshop:January 12-17, 2015
Core course:January 19-30, 2015South California systems biology conference: January 31, 2015
Note:Early registration for this course is possible until November 30.


Hiroshi Hasegawa, Ph.D.
School of Integrative and Global Majors (SIGMA)

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